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Hi, I am Diksha, currently exploring my developer instincts at Microsoft. I am one of the 50 recipients from Asia- Pacific of the Google Anita Borg Scholarship- 2016. I am involved with initiatives to encourage women in STEM. When I am not around my laptop, I love to spend my time running / cycling on the roads of Hyderabad.

Interview Preparation- Quick Guide- Part 2

This is a series of blog posts to help anyone preparing for any interview to revise the important concepts of competitive programming in cpp quickly with resources from web that I found helped me the best.

This post covers the commonly used data structure libraries in cpp-

The containers can be divided into 4 main categories:

  1. Sequence containers- elements are accessed sequentially
    • arrays
    • vector
    • list
    • forward_list
  2. Contaner adaptors- interface on sequential containers
  3. Associative containers- ordered data structures that can be quickly searched
  4. Unordered associative containers- unordered data structures that can be quickly searched
    • unordered_set
    • unordered_multiset
    • unordered_map
    • unordered_multipmap

Below is a quick reference to methods which are frequently used. This is not an exhaustive list and objective of this is to only provide a quick recap before you start solving questions again after a long gap. For a more detailed understanding refer this.


  • This is a dynamic array that automatically resizes itself.
  • Data is inserted at the end. Hence, removing the last element takes constant time. Inserting and erasing at the beginning or in the middle is linear in time.
  • Commonly used methods on vectors-
    1. begin()- iterator to the start
    2. end()- iterator to the last element
    3. size()- number of elements in vector
    4. empty()- boolean value indicating if vector has zero elements
    5. front()- returns the first element
    6. back()- returns the last element
    7. push_back(value)- push new element to vector
    8. pop_back()- removes the last element
    9. insert(iterator position, value)- insert value at position specified (position should be an iterator- for 5th positon, v.begin() + 5)
    10. insert(iterator position, size, value)- insert value number of times as defined by size
    11. insert(iterator position, iterator iterator1, iterator iterator2)- insert vector in another vector
    12. clear()- remove all elements
    13. erase(iterator position)- remove element from position
    14. erase(iterator start, iterator end)- remove elements between starting and ending iterators
    15. at(position)- fetches the element at position
    16. swap(vectorname)- swap contents of vector v1 and v2
    17. emplace(iterator position, element)- insert element at position
    18. emplace_back(value)- add value at the end of vector
  • emplace / emplace_back are in-place while insert / push_back are not
  • sort v in asc- sort(v.begin(), v.end(), greater<int>())
  • sort v in desc - sort(v.begin(), v.end(), greater<int>())
  • initialise vector of size 2 to 0 - vector<int> a(26,0)


  • This is based on LIFO (Last element in, first to pop out)
  • Decalared as stack
  • Commonly used methods on stack-
    1. top()- returns element at the top of the stack
    2. pop()- removes the top element
    3. push(value)- adds value to top of the stack
    4. size()- number of elements
    5. empty()- boolean value indicating if stack has no elements


  • This is based on LIFO (first element in, first to pop out)
  • Decalared as queue
  • Commonly used methods on queue-
    1. front() and back()- returns first and last element respectively
    2. pop()- deletes first element
    3. push(value)- add value to end of queue
    4. size()- number of elements
    5. empty()- boolean value indicating if queue has no elements

Priority Queue

  • Syntax to create max heap (default) - priority_queue<int>
  • Syntax to create min heap - priority_queue<int, vector<int>, greater<int>>

In general, the syntax follows - priority_queue<data_type, store<data_type>, comparator>. Say to define min heap for vector, we define as-

priority_queue<vector<int>, vector<vector<int>>, compare> pq;
struct compare {
	bool operator()(vector<int> &v1, vector<int> &v2) {
		// define comparison condition
		return v1[0] + v1[1] < v2[0] + v2[1];
  • Commonly used methods on priority queue(pq)-
    1. top()- returns first element
    2. pop()- deletes first element
    3. push(value)- add value to end of queue
    4. size()- number of elements
    5. empty()- boolean value indicating if pq has no elements


  • In this container, each elemnt is unqiue.
  • The value once added cannot be modified. The value can be removed though and updated value can be added.
  • Elements are iterated in sorted order always (asc). To iterate in dsc order instead, use <greater> at the time of initialisation.
  • Commonly used methods on set-
    1. begin()- iterator to the start of the vector
    2. end()- iterator to the last element
    3. size()- number of elements in vector
    4. empty()- boolean value indicating if set has zero elements
    5. insert(value)- add value to set
    6. insert(iterator position, value)- add value at position
    7. insert(iterator start, iterator end)- elements between the range [start,end) are inserted in the set from s1 to s2
    8. erase(iterator position)- remove element from position
    9. erase(value)- remove value from set
    10. clear()- remove all elements
    11. find(value)- returns iterator to value or iterator to end if not found
    12. count(value)- returns 0 / 1 based on value present in set or not
    13. lower_bound(key)- returns iterator for value less than key, if not present, the iterator to immediate next greater is returned
    14. upper_bound(key)- returns iterator for value greater than key
    15. emplace(value)- add value to set
  • emplace is in-place operation
    set<pair<char, int>> s;         // declaring set 
    s.emplace('a', 24);             // using emplace() to insert pair in-place  
    s.insert(make_pair('b', 25));   // uses extra space

Read pair


  • Each element has a <key, value>. No two mapped values can have same key values.
  • Commonly used methods on map-
    1. begin()- iterator to the start of the vector
    2. end()- iterator to the last element
    3. erase(iterator position) and erase(key)- deletes element at position or key respectively
    4. size()- number of elements
    5. empty()- boolean value indicating if pq has no elements
    6. clear()- deletes all elements from map
    7. insert({key, value})- add key,value to map
  • When iterating using an iterator object (say, begin() or end()) - use itr->first or itr->second, otherwise use operator [] to access elements

Unordered Map

  • Stored key, value where key is not sorted in any order unlike map
  • Commonly used methods on unordered map-
    1. begin()- iterator to the start of the vector
    2. end()- iterator to the last element
    3. at(key)- returns the value for the key
    4. count(key)- returns true/ false indicating if value is present
    5. size()- number of elements
    6. empty()- boolean value indicating if um has no elements
  • Difference between at() and [] - at() throws exception if key is not present, whereas [] will first insert they key into the map and assign default value (say, integer 0).


  • This is defined in the header library. (WIP)