This is a series of blog posts to help anyone preparing for any interview to revise the important concepts of competitive programming in cpp quickly with resources from web that I found helped me the best.
This post covers some common algorithms in competitive programming in brief-
Sorting Algorithms
Merge Sort
- Algorithm- divide into subarray, then combine
- Uses extra space, stable
- Worst case- [10 20 30 40] [11 21 31 41]
- Best case- [50 60 70 80] [10 20 30 40]
- Time complexity- all cases - O(nlogn)
Quick Sort
- Algorithm- elements < pivot : pivot : elements > pivot
- In-pace algorithm, not stable
- Best case- balanced tree
- Worst case- sorted array i.e. all nodes on one side in a tree
- Time complexity- Best, Average- O(nlogn) Worst- O(n^2)
Bubble Sort
- Algorithm- greater element on right => swap the elements (nth iteration => nth largest element at its position)
- In-pace algorithm, stable
- Number of comparisons = n(n-1), hence, time complexity - all cases - O(n^2)
Selection Sort
- Algorithm- swap[a[i], a[min]] where min = index of the minimum element (nth iteration => nth smallest element at its position)
- Number of comparisons = n(n-1), hence, time complexity - all cases - O(n^2)
Insertion Sort
- Algorithm- compare element with last element of sorted subarray (number of inversions = number of swaps)
- Best case- array sorted => 0 swaps
- Time complexity- Worst, Average- O(n^2), Best- O(n)
Dynamic Programming
- In this algorithm, we store the result of the subproblems to avoid repeated computations
- Based on two properties-
- Overlapping Subproblems To understand this by example, for binary search- no subproblems exist. However, for fibonacci- subproblems exist
- Optimal substructure If optimal solution can be obtained by using opiomal solution of subproblems
Memoization versus Tabulation
- Memoization-
- Top Down approach
- Table is filled on demand
- Example-
if (n <= 1) table[n] = n; else table[n] = table[n-1] + table[n-2]
- Tabulation
- Bottom up approach
- All table entries are filled
- Example-
for (i = 2 to n) table[i] = table[i-1] + table[i-2]
Union- Find
- This is used to find disconnected subsets.
- It involves two operations- Find(A, B) and Union(A, B).
Union(A, B) - Replace components containing two objects A and B with their union.// Pseudo code of union() void Union(int parent[], int a, int b) { int setA = find(parent, a); int setB = find(parent, a); parent[setA] = setB; }
Find(A, B) - check if two objects A and B are in same component or not.
// Pseudo code of find int find(int a, int B) { if (root(a)==root(b)) return true; return false; }
Let’s say- {3.4,5,6} is a connected component and 3 is the root. We can replace all occurences of 3,4,5 with say- 6 i.e. root.
- Common applications- finding connected nodes/ components in a tree/ graph
- Read more- Disjoint Set- Union Find
- Practice question- Number of Operations to Make Network Connected
- This algorithm incrementally builds the solution. It tries to solve a subproblem, if it does not lead to a solution, then it undo the changes and sove the next subproblem.
- Read more- In-depth Backtracking with LeetCode Problems — Part 1
- Practic question- Subsets