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Hi, I am Diksha, currently exploring my developer instincts at Microsoft. I am one of the 50 recipients from Asia- Pacific of the Google Anita Borg Scholarship- 2016. I am involved with initiatives to encourage women in STEM. When I am not around my laptop, I love to spend my time running / cycling on the roads of Hyderabad.

Guide to some commonly used Django functions

Here is a quick guide to the arguments of some of the most commonly used functions in django-

URL(regex, view, kwargs, name):

  • Argument 1: regex- Mention the syntax for matching URL patterns of your project.
  • Argument 2: view- The view function to call when a URL pattern match is successful. View accepts HttpRequest object as the first argument and any “captured” values from the regular expression as other arguments.
  • Argument 3:kwargs- Keyword arguments to pass in a dictionary to the target view.
  • Argument 4: name- It allows to refer URL unambiguously from anywhere else in Django- major application in Templates.


  • Argument 1: The request object.
  • Argument 2: Template name.
  • Argument 3: A dictionary(optional).

This function returns an HttpResponse object of the given template rendered with the given context

I will add more soon. :)